Tag: meta
Happy 1st Birthday to The Classy Geek!
This week last year, I decided to try a bold new blogging project that was one part GQ, one part Eqsuire, one part Lifehacker, and several parts class. The Classy Geek is designed maglie calcio to give you a source that’s chock full of solid, long-form information that can help you get your act together […]
One Week Left to Enter TCG’s Call for Workspaces Contest!
So far, I’ve gotten a number of entries for The Classy Geek’s Call for Workspaces Contest, and the submissions look good, so there’s some stiff competition for the top three prizes! That doesn’t mean the contest is all sewn up though – there’s still a week left to send in your entries, so make sure […]
TCG Call for Workspaces: Send In Your Desktop Photos!
I want to see where you work! Or play, whatever – but let’s get some desktop photo action going on here; and I don’t just mean your actual computer desktop, but what your actual desk looks like. A lot of us take great pride in our maglie calcio poco prezzo computer setups, or our entertainment […]
Become a Fan of The Classy Geek at Facebook!
Can’t get enough of The Classy Geek? Also addicted to Facebook, and spend the day at the office constantly refreshing your live feed to see whether you’ve found anything new in Farmville or your friends have posted any more embarrassing photos of themselves from the weekend before? Now you can combine those two great tastes: […]